| Beautification Committee – (Brenda Christy) | – takes an active leadership role to enhance our community and improve our neighborhood. |
| Safety Committee – (Open) | – is responsible for a strong police presence and secure work environment. Committee with work with resident companies to update everyone on theft or problems within the park. This chair position is for a Resident member company. |
| Education Committee – (Open) | – the purpose of the RBA Education Committee is to bring Resident and Associate members together to explore ways to become engaged in Jefferson County Public Schools . Engagement may come through mentoring, guest speakers, job shadowing, or many other invaluable opportunities. |
| Membership Committee – (Haley Jordan) | – is responsible for recruiting and retaining our members. Committee will reach out to new companies that have moved into Riverport and update them on what the RBA does for the park. |
| Social Events Committee – (Lloyd Thomas) | – responsible for all meeting venues, speakers, topics, food service and member administration. Our committee also directs and coordinates our annual events and insures member welfare. |
| Engagement Committee – (Sarah Gaither) | – the purpose of the RBA Engagement Committee is to bring Resident and Associate members together in a cooperative effort for total involvement and the sharing of ideas, news and social events. The lifeblood of the RBA is its members and our effective functioning committees. |
| Human Resources Committee – (Jennifer Wisdom) | – promotes the involvement of your HR professionals in the RBA, connect and guide members to a solution with an HR related question, listen to inquiries for needed training and development and determine if or how we may be able to assist, and maintain a recruitment page on the website for available use to RBA members. |
| Facilities Committee – (Open) | – the purpose of the RBA Facilities Committee is to create the opportunity for all Facility Managers in Riverport to come together once a year, and build relationships within the Riverport network, discuss best practices to improve business efficiency, and discover the available resources within Riverport, so we can all benefit from our involvement within this community. This chair position is for a Resident member company. |
| Transportation Committee – (Troy Heaverin) | – this committee works with TARC to facilitate prime time arrivals and departures for workers throughout the Riverport business community. It also assists Riverport businesses with parking concerns during peak times of the year. A Riverport business survey is taken each year to best determine peak transportation needs via TARC. This information is shared with TARC officials to yield the best possible bus service to and from Riverport. TARC bus shelters are also an item of our concern. |
| Website Committee – (Benjamin Hill) | – the purpose of the website committee is to help promote and support events and activities of the RBA through continual development of the website, and other internet-based methods of connecting to businesses and keeping them informed of events and opportunities in the Riverport area. |
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